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Welcome To Rockville 2016

5N2A6432-Edit 5N2A9367 5N2A5592 5N2A5723 5N2A6066 CL7E3832 CL7E3539 5N2A5871 CL7E3412 CL7E3009 5N2A5079 CL7E4740 5N2A5118 CL7E2072 5N2A5218 CL7E2409 5N2A5481 CL7E4535 CL7E1935 CL7E2812 CL7E7283 CL7E7449 CL7E7766 5N2A6380 CL7E3207 5N2A9366 CL7E3290 5N2A6019 5N2A5984 CL7E3562 CL7E3519 5N2A5833 CL7E3042 CL7E1970 5N2A5108 CL7E4623 CL7E2073 CL7E2287 CL7E2507 CL7E2752 CL7E4648 5N2A5175 CL7E2796 CL7E7322 CL7E7473 CL7E7687 5N2A6417 5N2A5595 5N2A5726 5N2A9436 5N2A6056 CL7E3734 CL7E3543 5N2A5878 CL7E3446 CL7E2994 CL7E1967 5N2A5112 CL7E4701 CL7E2065 5N2A5216 CL7E2402 CL7E2754 CL7E4526 5N2A5773 CL7E2436 CL7E7298 CL7E7548 CL7E7757 CL7E4469 5N2A6393 5N2A5599 5N2A9441 5N2A5734 CL7E3876 CL7E3699 (1) CL7E3588 CL7E3529 5N2A5834 CL7E2927 CL7E1962 5N2A5110 CL7E4719 CL7E2090 5N2A5255 CL7E2416 CL7E2755 5N2A5935 CL7E2416 CL7E7293 CL7E7539 CL7E7672 CL7E4585 5N2A6382 CL7E3233 5N2A9444 5N2A5745 5N2A6009 CL7E3704 CL7E3556 5N2A5887 5N2A5827 CL7E2933 5N2A5070 5N2A5105 CL7E4709 CL7E2085 CL7E2278 CL7E2436 CL7E2876 5N2A5275 CL7E2467 CL7E7288 CL7E7438 CL7E7656 CL7E4519 (1) 5N2A6390 CL7E3212 5N2A9443 CL7E3294 CL7E3873 CL7E3791 CL7E3559 CL7E3533 CL7E3452 CL7E2997 5N2A5069 5N2A5126 CL7E4696 CL7E2116 CL7E2266 CL7E2502 CL7E2816 5N2A5273 CL7E2351 CL7E7281 CL7E7547 CL7E7774 CL7E4539 5N2A6426 CL7E3196 5N2A9395 CL7E3283 CL7E3906 CL7E3782 CL7E3552 5N2A5891 CL7E3436 CL7E2940 CL7E1955 CL7E2036 CL7E4626 CL7E2119 CL7E2247 CL7E2575 CL7E2843 CL7E1937 CL7E2339 CL7E7297 CL7E7414 CL7E7771 CL7E4513 5N2A6388 CL7E3236 CL7E3286 5N2A6085 5N2A9433 CL7E3715 CL7E3599 5N2A5904 5N2A5841 CL7E3018 CL7E1984 5N2A5163 CL7E4625 CL7E2127 CL7E2264 CL7E2474 CL7E2848 CL7E1933 5N2A5255 CL7E7301 CL7E7476 CL7E7801 5N2A6463 CL7E4550 CL7E3234 CL7E3310 CL7E3892 5N2A9371 CL7E3788 CL7E3540 5N2A5881 CL7E3423 CL7E3038 CL7E1990 5N2A5147 CL7E2096 CL7E2308 CL7E4662 CL7E2467 CL7E2825 CL7E1938 CL7E2092 CL7E7318 CL7E7512 CL7E7813 5N2A6389 CL7E4781 (1) CL7E3244 CL7E3297 5N2A9459 CL7E3916 CL7E3755 CL7E3560 5N2A5914 CL7E3433 CL7E2983 5N2A5092 5N2A5132 CL7E2101 CL7E2235 CL7E4653 CL7E2494 CL7E2801 CL7E1943 CL7E2048 CL7E7306 CL7E7463 CL7E7791 5N2A6441 CL7E4776 CL7E3232 5N2A5748 5N2A9446 5N2A6081 CL7E3730 CL7E3617 5N2A5864 CL7E3410 CL7E2955 5N2A5072 5N2A5111 CL7E2091 CL7E2302 CL7E4663 CL7E2529 CL7E2834 CL7E1923 CL7E2073 CL7E7325 CL7E7467 CL7E7695 CL7E4758 CL7E3093 CL7E4650 CL7E3206 5N2A5730 5N2A9399 5N2A6080 CL7E3759 CL7E3578 5N2A5911 5N2A5856 CL7E3062 5N2A5091 5N2A5176 CL7E2132 CL7E4651 CL7E2289 CL7E2513 CL7E2812 CL7E1944 CL7E2072 CL7E7324 CL7E7455 CL7E7820 - Copy 5N2A6449 CL7E4588 5N2A5589 CL7E3198 CL7E3266 CL7E3964 5N2A9390 CL7E3722 CL7E3612 5N2A5918 CL7E3394 CL7E2963 CL7E1989 5N2A5170 CL7E2130 CL7E4630 CL7E2260 CL7E2452 CL7E2854 CL7E1940 5N2A5170 CL7E7317 CL7E7588 CL7E7655 (1) CL7E4796 CL7E4803 CL7E3089 CL7E3201 CL7E3254 5N2A9427 CL7E3919 CL7E3753 CL7E3582 5N2A5860 CL7E3396 CL7E2975 CL7E1957 5N2A5155 CL7E2092 CL7E4725 CL7E2286 CL7E2566 CL7E2829 CL7E1926 5N2A5155 CL7E7378 CL7E7552 CL7E7678 5N2A6421 CL7E4773 CL7E3115 CL7E3205 CL7E3271 5N2A9421 5N2A6077 CL7E3721 CL7E3585 5N2A5920 CL7E3469 CL7E3056 CL7E1997 5N2A5166 CL7E2107 CL7E4665 CL7E2311 CL7E2455 CL7E2774 IMG 0019 CL7E1989 CL7E7310 CL7E7577 CL7E7709 5N2A6398 CL7E4671 CL7E3097 CL7E3239 CL7E3302 CL7E4011 CL7E3768 5N2A9374 CL7E3563 CL7E3477 CL7E3044 CL7E2006 5N2A5129 CL7E2121 CL7E4689 CL7E2227 CL7E2441 CL7E2807 IMG 0008 5N2A5079 CL7E7341 CL7E7606 CL7E7834 IMG 0034 CL7E4795 5N2A5607 CL7E3135 CL7E4571 5N2A5746 CL7E3904 CL7E3717 5N2A9470 CL7E3611 CL7E3441 CL7E3074 CL7E1947 CL7E2039 CL7E2081 CL7E4772 CL7E2268 CL7E2414 CL7E2768 CL7E3009 CL7E7358 CL7E7595 CL7E7792 IMG 0010 CL7E4807 5N2A5588 CL7E4804 CL7E3300 5N2A6059 CL7E3805 5N2A9378 CL7E3579 CL7E3454 CL7E3046 CL7E2000-Edit 5N2A5159 CL7E2103 CL7E2273 CL7E2421 CL7E4781 CL7E2796 CL7E3042 CL7E7343 CL7E7561 CL7E7655 CL7E4786 IMG 0011 CL7E3124 CL7E3903 CL7E3714 5N2A9483 CL7E3603 CL7E3475 CL7E2958 CL7E2018 CL7E2051 CL7E2139 CL7E2366 CL7E4734 CL7E2758 CL7E3454 CL7E7335 CL7E7559 CL7E7819 CL7E4812 CL7E3132 IMG 0022 CL7E3920 5N2A9499 CL7E3807 CL7E3614 5N2A5850 CL7E3036 5N2A5102 CL7E2046 CL7E2147 CL7E2351 CL7E4758 (1) CL7E2802 CL7E3412 CL7E7345 CL7E7587 CL7E7842 CL7E4827 IMG 0057 CL7E3145 CL7E3956 CL7E3619 5N2A9491 CL7E3708 5N2A5838 CL7E3021 CL7E2022 5N2A5153 CL7E2168 CL7E2368 CL7E4834 CL7E2786 5N2A5904 CL7E7375 CL7E7592 CL7E7656 (1) CL7E4809 CL7E3138 IMG 0056 CL7E3963 CL7E3810 5N2A9487 CL7E3484 CL7E3081 CL7E2023 5N2A5171 CL7E2149 CL7E2303 CL7E4813 CL7E2830 5N2A5878 CL7E7355 CL7E7608 CL7E7758 CL7E4828 CL7E3139 5N2A6063 CL7E3814 5N2A9490 CL7E3478 CL7E2035 CL7E2040 CL7E2175 CL7E2231 CL7E2832 CL7E4777 IMG 0055 CL7E3562 CL7E7365 CL7E7579 CL7E7669 CL7E4818 CL7E3186 CL7E3975 CL7E3800 IMG 4668 CL7E3498 CL7E2043 CL7E2339 CL7E2785 CL7E4746 IMG 0045 CL7E3543 CL7E7389 CL7E7605 CL7E7812 CL7E4843 IMG 0020 CL7E3152 CL7E3999 CL7E3812 5N2A9450 CL7E3497 5N2A5151 CL7E2350 CL7E2772 CL7E4640 CL7E3791 CL7E7386 CL7E7627 CL7E7853 CL7E4817 CL7E3163 CL7E3981 CL7E3803 5N2A9476 CL7E3502 CL7E2056 CL7E2379 CL7E2803 CL7E4747 CL7E3717 CL7E7611 CL7E7850 CL7E4830 CL7E3140 CL7E3968 CL7E3819 IMG 4675 CL7E2048 CL7E2359 CL7E4808 CL7E7756 CL7E4814 CL7E3109 CL7E4003 CL7E3808 IMG 4667 CL7E2055 CL7E2375 CL7E4805 CL7E7860 CL7E4865 CL7E3194 CL7E3966 CL7E3817 IMG 4672 CL7E2047 CL7E2395 CL7E4756 CL7E7767 CL7E4846 CL7E3184 CL7E4012 CL7E3818 IMG 4669 CL7E2322 CL7E4790 CL7E7672 (1) CL7E4882 CL7E3151 CL7E3863 IMG 4698 CL7E4838 CL7E7712 CL7E4829 CL7E3188 CL7E3826 IMG 4701 CL7E7866 CL7E4876 CL7E3180 IMG 4743 CL7E7779 Korn IMG 4700 CL7E7861 Korn IMG 4742 CL7E7781 IMG 4718 CL7E7848 IMG 4725 CL7E7884 IMG 4737 (1) CL7E7726 IMG 4719 CL7E7671 IMG 4749 CL7E7708 IMG 4763 CL7E7687 (1) IMG 4779 CL7E7718 IMG 4756 CL7E7696 IMG 4782 CL7E7720 IMG 4800 CL7E7779 (1) IMG 4820 CL7E7726 - Copy IMG 4794 CL7E7771 (1) IMG 4796 CL7E7733 IMG 4787 CL7E7743 IMG 4772 CL7E7781 (1) IMG 4792 CL7E7766 (1) IMG 4798 CL7E7757 (1) IMG 4807 CL7E7758 (1) IMG 4821 CL7E7756 (1) IMG 4805 CL7E7747 CL7E7752 CL7E7774 (1) CL7E7767 (1) 5N2A6432-Edit 5N2A9367 5N2A5592 5N2A5723 5N2A6066 CL7E3832 CL7E3539 5N2A5871 CL7E3412 CL7E3009 5N2A5079 CL7E4740 5N2A5118 CL7E2072 5N2A5218 CL7E2409 5N2A5481 CL7E4535 CL7E1935 CL7E2812 CL7E7283 CL7E7449 CL7E7766 5N2A6380 CL7E3207 5N2A9366 CL7E3290 5N2A6019 5N2A5984 CL7E3562 CL7E3519 5N2A5833 CL7E3042 CL7E1970 5N2A5108 CL7E4623 CL7E2073 CL7E2287 CL7E2507 CL7E2752 CL7E4648 5N2A5175 CL7E2796 CL7E7322 CL7E7473 CL7E7687 5N2A6417 5N2A5595 5N2A5726 5N2A9436 5N2A6056 CL7E3734 CL7E3543 5N2A5878 CL7E3446 CL7E2994 CL7E1967 5N2A5112 CL7E4701 CL7E2065 5N2A5216 CL7E2402 CL7E2754 CL7E4526 5N2A5773 CL7E2436 CL7E7298 CL7E7548 CL7E7757 CL7E4469 5N2A6393 5N2A5599 5N2A9441 5N2A5734 CL7E3876 CL7E3699 (1) CL7E3588 CL7E3529 5N2A5834 CL7E2927 CL7E1962 5N2A5110 CL7E4719 CL7E2090 5N2A5255 CL7E2416 CL7E2755 5N2A5935 CL7E2416 CL7E7293 CL7E7539 CL7E7672 CL7E4585 5N2A6382 CL7E3233 5N2A9444 5N2A5745 5N2A6009 CL7E3704 CL7E3556 5N2A5887 5N2A5827 CL7E2933 5N2A5070 5N2A5105 CL7E4709 CL7E2085 CL7E2278 CL7E2436 CL7E2876 5N2A5275 CL7E2467 CL7E7288 CL7E7438 CL7E7656 CL7E4519 (1) 5N2A6390 CL7E3212 5N2A9443 CL7E3294 CL7E3873 CL7E3791 CL7E3559 CL7E3533 CL7E3452 CL7E2997 5N2A5069 5N2A5126 CL7E4696 CL7E2116 CL7E2266 CL7E2502 CL7E2816 5N2A5273 CL7E2351 CL7E7281 CL7E7547 CL7E7774 CL7E4539 5N2A6426 CL7E3196 5N2A9395 CL7E3283 CL7E3906 CL7E3782 CL7E3552 5N2A5891 CL7E3436 CL7E2940 CL7E1955 CL7E2036 CL7E4626 CL7E2119 CL7E2247 CL7E2575 CL7E2843 CL7E1937 CL7E2339 CL7E7297 CL7E7414 CL7E7771 CL7E4513 5N2A6388 CL7E3236 CL7E3286 5N2A6085 5N2A9433 CL7E3715 CL7E3599 5N2A5904 5N2A5841 CL7E3018 CL7E1984 5N2A5163 CL7E4625 CL7E2127 CL7E2264 CL7E2474 CL7E2848 CL7E1933 5N2A5255 CL7E7301 CL7E7476 CL7E7801 5N2A6463 CL7E4550 CL7E3234 CL7E3310 CL7E3892 5N2A9371 CL7E3788 CL7E3540 5N2A5881 CL7E3423 CL7E3038 CL7E1990 5N2A5147 CL7E2096 CL7E2308 CL7E4662 CL7E2467 CL7E2825 CL7E1938 CL7E2092 CL7E7318 CL7E7512 CL7E7813 5N2A6389 CL7E4781 (1) CL7E3244 CL7E3297 5N2A9459 CL7E3916 CL7E3755 CL7E3560 5N2A5914 CL7E3433 CL7E2983 5N2A5092 5N2A5132 CL7E2101 CL7E2235 CL7E4653 CL7E2494 CL7E2801 CL7E1943 CL7E2048 CL7E7306 CL7E7463 CL7E7791 5N2A6441 CL7E4776 CL7E3232 5N2A5748 5N2A9446 5N2A6081 CL7E3730 CL7E3617 5N2A5864 CL7E3410 CL7E2955 5N2A5072 5N2A5111 CL7E2091 CL7E2302 CL7E4663 CL7E2529 CL7E2834 CL7E1923 CL7E2073 CL7E7325 CL7E7467 CL7E7695 CL7E4758 CL7E3093 CL7E4650 CL7E3206 5N2A5730 5N2A9399 5N2A6080 CL7E3759 CL7E3578 5N2A5911 5N2A5856 CL7E3062 5N2A5091 5N2A5176 CL7E2132 CL7E4651 CL7E2289 CL7E2513 CL7E2812 CL7E1944 CL7E2072 CL7E7324 CL7E7455 CL7E7820 - Copy 5N2A6449 CL7E4588 5N2A5589 CL7E3198 CL7E3266 CL7E3964 5N2A9390 CL7E3722 CL7E3612 5N2A5918 CL7E3394 CL7E2963 CL7E1989 5N2A5170 CL7E2130 CL7E4630 CL7E2260 CL7E2452 CL7E2854 CL7E1940 5N2A5170 CL7E7317 CL7E7588 CL7E7655 (1) CL7E4796 CL7E4803 CL7E3089 CL7E3201 CL7E3254 5N2A9427 CL7E3919 CL7E3753 CL7E3582 5N2A5860 CL7E3396 CL7E2975 CL7E1957 5N2A5155 CL7E2092 CL7E4725 CL7E2286 CL7E2566 CL7E2829 CL7E1926 5N2A5155 CL7E7378 CL7E7552 CL7E7678 5N2A6421 CL7E4773 CL7E3115 CL7E3205 CL7E3271 5N2A9421 5N2A6077 CL7E3721 CL7E3585 5N2A5920 CL7E3469 CL7E3056 CL7E1997 5N2A5166 CL7E2107 CL7E4665 CL7E2311 CL7E2455 CL7E2774 IMG 0019 CL7E1989 CL7E7310 CL7E7577 CL7E7709 5N2A6398 CL7E4671 CL7E3097 CL7E3239 CL7E3302 CL7E4011 CL7E3768 5N2A9374 CL7E3563 CL7E3477 CL7E3044 CL7E2006 5N2A5129 CL7E2121 CL7E4689 CL7E2227 CL7E2441 CL7E2807 IMG 0008 5N2A5079 CL7E7341 CL7E7606 CL7E7834 IMG 0034 CL7E4795 5N2A5607 CL7E3135 CL7E4571 5N2A5746 CL7E3904 CL7E3717 5N2A9470 CL7E3611 CL7E3441 CL7E3074 CL7E1947 CL7E2039 CL7E2081 CL7E4772 CL7E2268 CL7E2414 CL7E2768 CL7E3009 CL7E7358 CL7E7595 CL7E7792 IMG 0010 CL7E4807 5N2A5588 CL7E4804 CL7E3300 5N2A6059 CL7E3805 5N2A9378 CL7E3579 CL7E3454 CL7E3046 CL7E2000-Edit 5N2A5159 CL7E2103 CL7E2273 CL7E2421 CL7E4781 CL7E2796 CL7E3042 CL7E7343 CL7E7561 CL7E7655 CL7E4786 IMG 0011 CL7E3124 CL7E3903 CL7E3714 5N2A9483 CL7E3603 CL7E3475 CL7E2958 CL7E2018 CL7E2051 CL7E2139 CL7E2366 CL7E4734 CL7E2758 CL7E3454 CL7E7335 CL7E7559 CL7E7819 CL7E4812 CL7E3132 IMG 0022 CL7E3920 5N2A9499 CL7E3807 CL7E3614 5N2A5850 CL7E3036 5N2A5102 CL7E2046 CL7E2147 CL7E2351 CL7E4758 (1) CL7E2802 CL7E3412 CL7E7345 CL7E7587 CL7E7842 CL7E4827 IMG 0057 CL7E3145 CL7E3956 CL7E3619 5N2A9491 CL7E3708 5N2A5838 CL7E3021 CL7E2022 5N2A5153 CL7E2168 CL7E2368 CL7E4834 CL7E2786 5N2A5904 CL7E7375 CL7E7592 CL7E7656 (1) CL7E4809 CL7E3138 IMG 0056 CL7E3963 CL7E3810 5N2A9487 CL7E3484 CL7E3081 CL7E2023 5N2A5171 CL7E2149 CL7E2303 CL7E4813 CL7E2830 5N2A5878 CL7E7355 CL7E7608 CL7E7758 CL7E4828 CL7E3139 5N2A6063 CL7E3814 5N2A9490 CL7E3478 CL7E2035 CL7E2040 CL7E2175 CL7E2231 CL7E2832 CL7E4777 IMG 0055 CL7E3562 CL7E7365 CL7E7579 CL7E7669 CL7E4818 CL7E3186 CL7E3975 CL7E3800 IMG 4668 CL7E3498 CL7E2043 CL7E2339 CL7E2785 CL7E4746 IMG 0045 CL7E3543 CL7E7389 CL7E7605 CL7E7812 CL7E4843 IMG 0020 CL7E3152 CL7E3999 CL7E3812 5N2A9450 CL7E3497 5N2A5151 CL7E2350 CL7E2772 CL7E4640 CL7E3791 CL7E7386 CL7E7627 CL7E7853 CL7E4817 CL7E3163 CL7E3981 CL7E3803 5N2A9476 CL7E3502 CL7E2056 CL7E2379 CL7E2803 CL7E4747 CL7E3717 CL7E7611 CL7E7850 CL7E4830 CL7E3140 CL7E3968 CL7E3819 IMG 4675 CL7E2048 CL7E2359 CL7E4808 CL7E7756 CL7E4814 CL7E3109 CL7E4003 CL7E3808 IMG 4667 CL7E2055 CL7E2375 CL7E4805 CL7E7860 CL7E4865 CL7E3194 CL7E3966 CL7E3817 IMG 4672 CL7E2047 CL7E2395 CL7E4756 CL7E7767 CL7E4846 CL7E3184 CL7E4012 CL7E3818 IMG 4669 CL7E2322 CL7E4790 CL7E7672 (1) CL7E4882 CL7E3151 CL7E3863 IMG 4698 CL7E4838 CL7E7712 CL7E4829 CL7E3188 CL7E3826 IMG 4701 CL7E7866 CL7E4876 CL7E3180 IMG 4743 CL7E7779 Korn IMG 4700 CL7E7861 Korn IMG 4742 CL7E7781 IMG 4718 CL7E7848 IMG 4725 CL7E7884 IMG 4737 (1) CL7E7726 IMG 4719 CL7E7671 IMG 4749 CL7E7708 IMG 4763 CL7E7687 (1) IMG 4779 CL7E7718 IMG 4756 CL7E7696 IMG 4782 CL7E7720 IMG 4800 CL7E7779 (1) IMG 4820 CL7E7726 - Copy IMG 4794 CL7E7771 (1) IMG 4796 CL7E7733 IMG 4787 CL7E7743 IMG 4772 CL7E7781 (1) IMG 4792 CL7E7766 (1) IMG 4798 CL7E7757 (1) IMG 4807 CL7E7758 (1) IMG 4821 CL7E7756 (1) IMG 4805 CL7E7747 CL7E7752 CL7E7774 (1) CL7E7767 (1)

I’ve been doing band and festival reviews for over three years, and want the try something different this time and bring you a different and unique point of view. This festival Welcome To Rockville we brought a young musician with us to help his dad with media interviews running the video camera. His name is Jayson Williams but we all know him as Jazz. We caught a brake from the media tent and took in all the festival atmosphere going to all four stages, checking out The Music Experience, which I had to drag him out of, then went to check out all the food and vendors. Then went to all the VIP areas after returning to the media tent I asked him what he thought of the whole experience. Then it hit me, maybe other people would like the read his opinion. Being a young musician, the bands and festival is totally he generation. So in his own words hears is Jayson Erik Williams review of Welcome To Rockville.

Hello everyone. My name is Jayson Erik Williams and I am a sixteen-year-old musician who found the love and passion for music at a young age. From the time I had the ability to talk, music was a part of my life. This year at Welcome to Rockville 2016 I was given an opportunity that changed my life forever. Through the help of Charlotte Rock Review, media access was granted to me to not only experience all the amazing shows but the overall outstanding festival. I was able to see every breathtaking piece that made up this year's Welcome to a Rockville from the top deck of a wooden cabana overlooking the river and fair grounds as a camera operator.
     During the two-day extravaganza dozens of national touring artists and very well-known groups appeared in our media tent. On Saturday April 30th with sweaty palms and extreme anticipation we kicked off the day with talented punk rock band straight "Big Jesus" straight out of Atlanta, Georgia. This group of guys gave our first interview the kicked back and relaxing vibe I personally needed. As the day continued bands such as Enter Shikari, Red Sun Rising, and even legendary Candlebox dropped by to chat. Imagine the excitement not only in my mind but on my face as some of my biggest heroes in music such as Trivium, Filter, 3 Doors Down and Bullet For My Valentine walked in and sat down only ten feet from where I stood talking with us.

On Day 2 of Welcome to Rockville we kick off with a killer metal core band from the state of Ohio named "Beartooth". These guys bring their "A game" as far performance and talent. Their vocals are powerful and aggressive alongside with their heavy set instrumentals. They were a great transition into the following bands such Texas Hippie Coalition, Avatar, and my personal favorites of Sevendust and The Glorious Sons. The interviews that were planned was just the tip of the iceberg should I say due to the fact that there were surprise guests that were not planned and it gave a whole new exciting twist to the day. Amazing artists such as Lacey Sturm who was a spontaneous suggestion for a guest, along with the band Sick Puppies who was the perfect ending guest to our thrilling Rockville interviews.

   Through my perspective meeting every band and being able to see each artist I've looked up to for many years was a life changing thrill. The interactions were like a dream come true. As I have grown and seen my heroes shine and become extremely successful, it’s nice to see the down to earth side of everyone. Many artists allow success and fortune to go to their head, but not a single guest of ours were anything less than kind and humble if not more.

    At this year's Welcome to Rockville the entertainment, the experience, and the people were amazing. However, the layout of the park was a little crowded and bottle-necked. There were four stages in total for this year’s event. The two main stages were located on the far end of the stadium from the main entrance side by side while the next largest stage was located on the opposite end of the main stages with the smallest stage stuck in between the three. In order for the audience to be able to merge from stage to stage they were forced to walk nearly a mile in total through large crowded paths. Now yes, the festival this year was a record breaking high of over fifty-thousand in attendance. The overall layout though was causing large traffic jams and left the non-VIP audience to walk extra distance to the opposite side

   At this year's Welcome to Rockville the entertainment, the experience, and the people were amazing. However, the layout of the park was a little crowded and bottle-necked. There were four stages in total for this year’s event. The two main stages were located on the far end of the stadium from the main entrance side by side while the next largest stage was located on the opposite end of the main stages with the smallest stage stuck in between the three. In order for the audience to be able to merge from stage to stage they were forced to walk nearly a mile in total through large crowded paths. Now yes, the festival this year was a record breaking high of over fifty-thousand in attendance. The overall layout though was causing large traffic jams and left the non-VIP audience to walk extra distance to the opposite side

     In the end though this entire experience has been not only life changing but life defining. My life as a person and a musician is forever different and will never be the same. These past few days have been the best I've ever had and if I were to go back and do it again I would do it the same. I give huge thanks to Charlotte Rock Review and my father Jason Taylor for giving me the opportunity to experience this amazing festival. I love the Welcome to Rockville festival for its amazing band selection and complete experience for everyone from musicians young and old and just straight up anyone that loves metal and rock-n-roll.

   Well I hope everyone enjoy a fresh, new point of view. Charlotte Rock Review definitely enjoyed The Welcome To Rockville Festival hope to see ya'll next year. We would definitely love to hear feedback of what you think.



Welcome to Rockville