Sevendust not known as an acoustic band, more of a heavy, hard rockin’ in your face metal band. So when I went to see them at the music farm in Columbia, I expected to see guys sitting on stools with acoustic guitars singing ballads. That wasn’t the case at all, they had acoustic guitars and every thing else. Lajon Witherspoon (lead vocals) the vocals were strong and powerful and came from the heart. You could tell their songs took on a different meaning to them, by their apparent so of emotions, Lajon was even brought to tears during a couple of songs. With the addition of the drums, keys and electric bass gave there music the fullness it needed. Most heavy rock songs weren’t meet to be played totally acoustic. Seven dust pulled off a grate show, I was very entertained and enjoyed a well produced show, I would definitely go see them again. If you’re a seven dust fan and even if you’re not it’s a must see performance.