Getting prepared for tonight show I was a little worried that it may not happen due to the weather. It’s an amphitheater so that means it’s partly covered, and the forecast was not looking good as storms were rolling in all throughout the afternoon. The show must go on rain or shine but if it is severe weather the show will cancel. As I arrived the sky started clearing up so things we’re looking good. Once in the gate I observed people of all ages from young to middle age. It was great to see a variety of people. It’s awesome “Lil Wayne” opening for “Blink 182”.
Making my way to the sound board I noticed the stage was surrounded with big speakers all over even hanging from above. On top of all the speakers was the drummer and on the other side of the stage was the DJ. The countdown begins. The big screens have a clock counting down the minutes till the show. You hear the music and then here he comes emerging from behind the speakers. “Lil Wayne “is dressed in a black Gucci hat, long red shirt covered with a blue jean type jacket and he’s smoking a blunt and sporting his swag. The show was great, all the speakers changing themes to set the scene for the next song. With the fog and flames it just topped off the show. “Lil Wayne” played all his good songs along with one of my favorites “Lollipop”. He definitely worked the crowd. Everyone is dancing and just having fun. What an awesome performance he put on. Definitely don’t miss this show.
Now it’s time for “Blink 182”. The pavilion is packed, and everyone is standing. I notice the stage set up is still the same as it was for “Lil Wayne”. I thought they might have changed it. Either way the band came out jumping to “Dumpweed” and then as they played “Aliens Exist” they tossed out a bunch of blown up aliens and everyone is throwing them around like a beach ball. It was extremely entertaining to see those big life like balloon aliens all over the place. The crowd is loving it singing almost every song word for word. People crowd surfing everywhere. Taking it down a notch the band played an acoustic version of “Down” and “Wasting Time”. So enough of the acoustic performance let’s get back to where we were. Drummer “Travis Baker” takes it to a whole nother level playing drums inside a cage as he is spinning around. If that isn’t insane, I don’t know what is. Meanwhile “Blink 182” played there new single “Blame It On My Youth” which the crowd loved. The band announced there would be a new album coming out so stay tuned and be on the lookout for it. “BlinK 182” finished up the night with “Dammit (Growing Up”. The band put on one incredible show and no one left disappointed. If “Blink 182” is in your area you might want to go.
Review By: Hannah Lee